Saturday, December 20, 2008

"A Winter Wonder Land"

WE Made a Fort called "The Fort of ECAF EHT!!"

My neighbors house.

Yesterday and Today was a great snow storm. It's still snowing right now. It's so cool and fun. I always had the dream to move to Texas so I can be away from the cold but now I'm likin' the snow right now. Well that's all for now.


Russ aka Dreams said...

Lol i like the name of the fort. i wonder what it could stand for umm.........? lol

Anonymous said...

Yeah.......I wonder what it could stand for......ohh maybe "I MADE IT UP!!!! AND MAYBE YOU DON"T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE WHOLE STINKIN THING MEANS!!!AND MAYBE YOU JUST STEAL PHRASES FROM THE "PHRASE-MAN" AND USE THEM LIKE YOU KNOW WHAT THEY ARE!!!!AND I CAN"T STAND THE CORNY PHRASE "lol", SO STOP USI'N IT!!!!.....................I'm OK, and I built the same fort....Merry Christmas ya filthy animal.