Saturday, May 17, 2008

Pictures of new baby birds that hatched today.

Today I was checking the tree that has a nest and 5 eggs in it and I saw this. I thought it was so cool.

These are 2 pictures of the mother.

Here is three of the babies.

This is the tree.


Anonymous said...

They're awsome....good thing we didn't hit one with a bb, or else we would've had the smallest dirt/bird-flavored omlets ever.
unscramble this word....... "WHAT" said it.

Tyler Albani said...

I got a whiff of what you're saying but that unscrambling thing makes no sence because if you want me to unscramble it I could make it say thaw insyead of WHAT.

Too Shiny.

PS you said it. And here is WHAT (you said it again) you should of said. Unscramble this word......AHTW.......

Jessica R. said...

aww thats awesome! you really captured the signs of the season Tyler, great pic.

Jessica R. said...

aww thats awesome! you really captured the signs of the season Tyler, great pic.

Anonymous said...

Well done for this wonderful blog.